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Board of Works Meeting Minutes - 9/17/2012




September 17, 2012 at 10:00 a.m.


The meeting was called to order by Mayor Greg York.





·         Superintendent Ayers moved to suspend the rules for the reading of the minutes and accept last week's BOW minutes.  Director Tichenor seconded.  Motion carried 3-0

·         Mayor York requested a motion to accept the Payroll, Water, Wastewater and General fund claims for the week of September 10 to September 17, 2012.   Director Tichenor moved to accept.  Superintendent Ayers seconded.  Motion carried 3-0 

·         Building Inspector Frame presented a request to the board regarding mowing liens at 2914 B Avenue, this property has been purchased by Westminster.  Mayor York moved to waive the mowing liens.  Director Tichenor seconded.  Motion carried 3-0

·         Director Sloan presented quotes for the Transportation plumbing and painting grant project.  Mayor York moved to take the quotes under advisement.  Director Tichenor seconded.  Motion carried 3-0




·         No reports presented.




·         Park Superintendent Ayers praised the accomplishments and support in the annual Day of Caring.

·         Mayor York requested an update on the cross walk on New York Avenue.  Building Inspector Frame informed the board he had discussed with Mr. Smiley handicap accessibility on the South side and even out the North side.





·         Representatives from the New Castle Fire Fighters Association requested approval of street closing of Church Street between Main and 12th on October 13th for the 3rd Annual Waterball Competition.  Mayor York moved to approve the request.  Director Tichenor seconded.  Motion carried 3-0

·         Winnie Logan, New Castle, requested approval of street closing of Race Street between Main and 12th on September 29th from 8-Noon.  Mayor York moved to approve the request.  Director Tichenor seconded.  Motion carried 3-0




·         Director Tichenor moved for adjournment.