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Ordinance #3567 - Establishing certain fees - Police Department

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     WHEREAS, it has been determined after a review of all fees charged by the Office of the New Castle Police Department, that fees are inadequate and are unreasonably low and do not adequately reimburse the City for the cost of providing the services associated with those fees, and


     WHEREAS, the General Fund of the City can no longer subsidize the users of those services due to decreased property tax revenues.


     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEW CASTLE, INDIANA that the follow fees are hereby established for the New Castle Police Department:


1.   Vehicle inspection (VIN number review):            $5.00

2.   Vehicle inspection (salvage):                      $5.00

     3.   Gun permits:                                      $10.00

4.   Accident reports:                                 $12.00

5.   Incident reports: (per page 10 pages or less):      $.10

     (reports having greater than 10 pages):            $5.00

6.   Record check - no arrest:                          $3.00

7.   Record check - with arrest:                       $10.00

8.   Finger printing:                                  $10.00

9.   Funeral escort service:                           $55.00

10.  Copy of photographs - first photo:                 $1.00

11.  Copy of photographs - additional                   $1.00

12.  Copy of dvds or cds:                               $5.00


     REPEALER: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.


     SEVERABILITY: Any provision herein contained which is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unlawful or which by operation shall be inapplicable, shall be deemed omitted but the rest and remainder of this ordinance, to the extent feasible, shall remain in full force and effect.


     EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage and publication as provided for by law