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Flat Rock Wind Farm Again A Possibility

Information reprinted with permission of the Courier Times local newspaper New Castle, Indiana

Flat Rock Wind Farm again a possibility


Posted: Friday, August 8, 2014 10:25 pm



A new energy company has resuscitated plans for a proposed $300-million wind farm in southern Henry County. 

Apex Energy acquired development rights to the Flat Rock Wind Farm project introduced by Nordex more than a year ago.

In March of 2013, wind turbine developer Nordex USA a planned 180-megawatt wind farm. At that time, Nordex Project Developer Chris Brooks of 75 total proposed 2.5-megawatt wind turbines, around 21 would have been built in Franklin and Dudley townships. Acreage of the 2013 project would have totaled about 22,250 spanning southern Henry County and northern Rush County.

But by mid-June, 2013, the wind project had run out of steam. County Commissioner Ed Yanos learned that the Nordex search for a renewable energy buyer stalled after Indiana Michigan Power, with which Nordex had hoped to contract, announced they had chosen a different company.

Now, Apex Energy has acquired the project from Nordex, and finding a purchaser for the energy is still on the new company's to-do list.

"Apex will need to identify one or more buyers for the energy to be produced by the project," Apex spokesman Robert Propes said earlier this week. The proposed wind farm extends east to the Fayette County line. It is expected to include as many as 90 wind turbines which will be located across working farmland south of I-70. Construction of windmills will occur after all permits are in order and an energy buyer is found, Propes said. The company is expected to invest nearly $300 million into the project and community.

"We already have over 22,000 acres under lease (...) Since we've acquired the project from Nordex, I've spoken to a number of landowners who are interested in signing additional land with us, as well as landowners who were not previously signed with Nordex and are interested in participating in the project. There is clearly a great deal of support for this project in the community," Propes said.

It is anticipated the turbines will be capable of producing 180 megawatts of clean energy, enough to power 45,000 homes each year. Plans call for the turbines to be located 1/4 to 1/2 mile apart  on active farmland. Each turbine requires about an acre of land.  Propes said farmers in the area could continue farming the land with very limited disturbance. Each turbine will range  from 475 feet high to just over 500 feet.

Farmers who host turbines on their property and other participating landowners will receive annual lease payments which will continue over the 25-year lifespan of the wind farm. Propes said the project will inject millions of dollars into the local economy. The wind farm would create approximately 100 full-time jobs during its construction phase and as many as 10 permanent full-time jobs at a local operation and maintenance facility after construction is complete.

At present, the proposed wind farm is not a done deal; however, Propes said Apex is serious about it becoming a reality as soon as possible. For more information on the project and Apex visit www.flatrockwindpower.com.