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Police - Records

Police - Records Division



PD Front


Records Office:  765-521-6810


            New Castle Police Headquarters

            City Hall (lower level, rear entrance)

            227 North Main Street

            New Castle, IN   47362


The Records Office will assist the public with:

  • Processing and copies of accident and incident reports
  • Run Criminal History checks for the City of New Castle's jurisdiction
  • Collection of fees and donations to the department
  • Process and collection of fees/fines for citations issued by the New Castle
  • Police Department due to violations of city ordinances
  • Processing gun permits
 Report fees: (effective May 1, 2010)
 Document Type
  Local Fee   
 Accident Reports
  Vehicle Inspections (VIN checks) 
  Incident Reports (costs per page)
  Copy of Photographs / 1st photo
  Each Additional Copy of Photograph
  Copy of DVDs or CD
  Funeral Escorts
  Records Check / no arrest
  Records Check / with arrest(s)
  Finger Printing
Handgun Licensing Fee Schedule: (effective May 1, 2010)

License Type

Local Fee

State Fee

Four Year Hunting & Target

$10 / $5 Refundable*


Four Year Personal Protection

$10 / $5 Refundable*


Lifetime Hunting & Target
with no current license

$50 / $30 Refundable*


Lifetime Hunting & Target
with current valid license

$40 / $30 Refundable*


Lifetime Personal Protection
with no current license

  $50 / $30 Refundable*  


Lifetime Personal Protection
with current valid license

$40 / $30 Refundable*

$ 60

Retired Law Enforcement Officer  

Not provided in Law

  Fee exempt   

Retired Corrections Officer

Not provided in Law

Fee exempt

Firearms Dealer

Not provided in law

Fee exempt

* A portion of the local fee is refundable if a license is not issued.  The entire state fee is refundable if no license is issued.

Mopeds: can be registered with the New Castle Police Department between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. Monday through Friday for the fee of $35.  The moped must pass a safety inspection and proof on insurance must be given at the time of registration.  For further information please refer to City Ordinance No. 3644.  Mopeds must be registered effective September 1, 2012.
Golf Carts: can be registered with the New Castle Police Department between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. Monday through Friday for the fee of $50. The Golf Cart must pass a safety inspection and proof on a valid license/insurance must be given at the time of registration. For further information please refer to City Ordinance No. 3682.